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AI for Not Bad: Auditing, Fairness Metrics, and AI governance
Introduction and Overview
Welcome! Learning goals, copyright, trigger concerns, and referral codes
Algorithmic auditing
What's the purpose of auditing? What does it look like in action?
AI as a sociotechnical system
Defining protected attributes in context
Fairness and bias metrics - rapid intro
Unconfusing the Confusion Matrix
Confusion matrix 101
Calculating fairness and bias metrics
Fairness metrics in action: demoes
Which metrics make sense for my context?
AI for good or not bad?
What's AI for good?
What's AI for not bad?
What do we mean when we say "ethical" or "responsible" AI?
AI governance is the key (what is it and how do we start?)
AI for Not Bad: Auditing, Fairness Metrics, and AI governance Closer
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